Cheryl Sheriff - 0407 153 412

My Blog


Whats new with the world and Ideal Birth ...


Postnatal Depression and Maternity OCD. What does that mean?

Tuesday, November 17th 2015


How do you know if you have postnatal depression or just the “baby blues”? Some great information in this interview between Corryn from Milk and Love Village and Lindsey Crockett from HELD.


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Eight Steps to a Family That Thrives

Wednesday, November 3rd 2015


When we’re looking forward to the birth of our baby, we often imagine this to be a wonderful bonding time. But often things don’t turn out the way we plan. You will learn some valuable strategies in this podcast to help you get back on track..


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Birth Plans – Should you or shouldn’t you write one

Thursday, October 8th 2015


You can’t plan a birth, or can you. Listen to Corryn from Milk and Love Village and I discuss why it’s worth planning and writing one. I hope you enjoy our chat..


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Finding out you’re pregnant – Where to from here

Thursday, October 8th 2015


Finding out you’re pregnant can be overwhelming, exciting and terrifying all at once. Where do you start? Find out here as Corryn from Milk and Love Village and I discuss where to from here. I hope you enjoy sharing our chat..


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Book Review: Stork Talk - Delivering Strategies for your Ideal Birth by Cheryl Sheriff

Wednesday, September 17th 2014


"Cheryl and I go way back! She's one of the most experienced birth professionals in Australia having attended over 1000 births in 30 years as both a midwife and a doula. If you live in Queensland and you are pregnant I would strongly suggest that you consider hiring her as your birth doula."


Julia - Newborn Mothers


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Seven Strategies for an Ideal Hospital Birth

Thursday, September 18th 2014


Birthing a baby is an outstanding experience in your life during which you become acutely aware of your vulnerability as well as your power. It takes planning, preparation, a strong desire and a carefully chosen support team by your side to help you achieve this. With the overall caesarean section rate trending upward and now at 32.3% women are often working against the odds to achieve the birth they want in our risk- averse hospital system.


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What is a Doula and what do they do?

Tuesday, July 23rd 2013


Birth can be a scary event that lurks on the horizon when you are pregnant. I know with my first pregnancy. I pretty much delayed any thoughts about birth until my 3rd trimester. Once I reached my 3rd trimester and even after I had done my antenatal class I still a big feeling that I was entering an 'abyss' - a very unknown territory!


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Ticc Tocc Campaign

Wednesday, October 17th 2012


What if there really was a simple, free, natural way to give your baby a bit better start on the first day of life? What if there was something you could do, or something you could not do, that would: Improve your baby’s blood counts…


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Drew Barrymore is said to be taking part in yoga and going on "long walks" during her pregnancy.

Friday, March 28th 2014


This trend is no longer just available for celebrities and it is here to stay. Find out how you can benefit by having your own individual childbirth professional work directly with you by calling 0407 153 412 or emailing


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“ With Cheryl’s help we were able to work through our fears and towards our goals. ”

James and Elizabeth

Stork Talk

Delivering Strategies for your ideal birth.

Give yourself the best chance of a positive birth in a hospital setting. A new book by one of Australias leading doulas, Cheryl Sheriff.


Sharing wisdom from her 30 years experience as a midwife and doula, and her presence at over 1000 hospital births.


After reading this book you will have more direction, and feel confident, excited and less daunted by the experiences to come.


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